Thursday, July 2, 2015

Bicycling Beginners' Guide 6/9

Step 5: Building Fitness

6 / 9

Follow these steps to build the legs and lungs of a cyclist.

 a) Start easy. Don’t try to to do too much right away. Begin with a low mileage goal—say, between 5 and 8 miles per ride—and add on a little each week.
 b) Ride several days a week. This will not only build fitness, but also help you acclimate to the bike.
 c) Choose your routes wisely. At least in the first couple of weeks, avoid big hills and overly ambitious adventures.
 d) Recovery is as important as riding. Rest is key to becoming a strong cyclist because the body needs time to rebuild after rides.
 e) There will be good days and bad days. If you’re struggling, cut the ride short.
 f) Build community. Find a riding buddy who’s also new to cycling.

Or try a bike shop or club ride (ask for one with a “no drop” policy so you don’t get left behind).

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