Saturday, June 20, 2015

Azure Space Is Aflame Up Above...

Azure space is aflame up above,
I"ve forgotten my home destination...
For the first time I"m singing of love,
For the first time I give up contention.

I was all like a desolate grove
Loving women and heavily drinking.
I don"t drink any more and don"t  love
Like I did, living fast and unthinking.

All I want is to look at the vast
Of your gold-brown eyes, and, - oh, bother! -
How I wish that, disliking your past,
You would not like to go to another!

Gentle step, graceful waist that you have!
Oh if only you wer" able to tumble
How a bully can really love,
And how he can be timid and humble!

All those pubs I would never attend,
And my poems would all be forgotten,
If you let me take hold of your hand
And your hair, the colour of autumn.

I would follow you  ever, my dove,
Be it distant or close destination...
For the first time I"m singing of love,
For the first time I give up contention.


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