Friday, June 26, 2015


Preparation Time: A few min.
Cooking Time: Nil.
Makes 1 tall glass. 

2 to 3 tsp raspberry syrup
1 tsp lemon juice
3 tbsps finely chopped mixed fruits (pineapple,pears and apples)
1 bottle lemonade or any lemon drink
1 lemon slice


1.   Put the raspberry syrup and lemon juice in a tall serving glass.
2.   Add the fruit and fill up with lemonade.
3.   Top with the lemon slice.
4.   Serve cold.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Don"t You Look At Me So Reproachfully.

Don"t you look at me so reproachfully.
I do not  bear malice to you,
But  I like your appearance awfully
And your seeming modesty,  too

Yes, you seem to be openhearted,
And I"d rather  be glad to see
How a fox pretending departed
Catches crows like you want to catch me.

Try to  catch me, I won"t  be daunted
Mind, you don"t have your ardour restrained!
Many girls of your kind have haunted
Stumbling over my heart that waned.

It"s not you that I love, my dearie,
You"re only an echo, a shade,
I imagine a different  girlie,
Oh so beautiful blue-eyed maid!

Though she isn"t so humble-looking
And  appears to be rather cool,
Her majestic manner of walking
Has rekindled the depth of my soul.

She"s a girl that cannot be cheated,
Notwithstanding your will she"ll entice,
Whereas you can"t be possibly  fitted
In my heart with embellished lies.

Though I scorn you,  yet like a layman
I will shyly and openly say:
If there weren"t any  hell and heaven
Man would think something up anyway.

December 1st, 1925

The Witch

White and dishevelled, she looks outrageous,
Rushing about, brisk and courageous.

Dark is the  night, it is scared to death, and
Clouds, like kerchiefs, have covered the crescent.

Wind, letting out  hysterical hoots,
Whirls like a shot to the back of the woods.

Fir-trees are threatening to hit with a spear
Owls lie hidden, a-wailing from fear.

Waving her harridan"s clutches, she shouts.
Up in the sky stars are winking from clouds.

Vipers, like rings,  hanging  down her hair,
Spinning with blizzard, she whirls in the air.

Ringing, the pines make the witch dance and cry.
Clouds grow dark as they, trembling, float by.


Silver Bluebell, Are You Singing

Silver bluebell,  are you singing,
Or, perchance, my heart is dreaming?
Light from rosy icon flashes
Falling on my golden lashes.

Though I"m not that gentle infant
in the flapping splash of pigeons,
Yet my dreams are sweet and distant,
Somewhere in the woodland regions.

I don"t need  the narrow house,
Word and mystery won"t welcome.
Teach me, please, to dream and drowse,
Fall asleep and never waken.