Thursday, June 4, 2015

What’s for Breakfast? 10 Gluten, Sugar and Dairy-Free Options

I love breakfast. I used to be a coffee and muffin girl but over time I have figured out that my breakfast was setting me up to crash and burn. Now on most mornings, I fire up the blender and make a smoothie with protein powder. I find this makes a big difference in my energy, and I have fewer cravings throughout the day.
If your current go-to breakfast is a bagel and coffee, you can do better! The refined flour in a bagel or muffin acts just like sugar in your body. This gives you a burst of energy, then you crash and crave more sugar. The coffee is acidic and it depletes your adrenals. And don’t even get me started on the sugar – or artificial sweeteners – you may be adding to the coffee! This breakfast sets you up for a day of cravings and jitters.
So what should you have instead?
The most healing breakfast will have protein and healthy fats, and as an added bonus it will be quick and easy to prepare. Whether you are finishing the Be Well Cleanse or just looking for some new breakfast ideas, here are some gluten, dairy and refined sugar-free options to start your day off right:


1. Protein Shake

A protein shake is the ultimate quick and easy breakfast. You can use protein powder and mix it with 8-12 ounces of water, coconut water, coconut milk, or almond milk. Add some ice cubes and you’re good to go!  Here are 2 protein powders that I like:
The Be Well Sustain shake is dairy and gluten-free. It’s made with pea protein and has 17 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber and a slightly sweet taste. This also tastes great with a packet of Greens, which adds a boost of nutrients from organic fruits and veggies.
The Be Well Recharge shake is made with whey protein from grass-fed cows that are raised organically. Whey is dairy, but most people tolerate it well – it doesn’t contain lactose and it’s great for building up immunity.   We also offer a Vanilla and Chocolate organic whey protein powder.


2. Green Smoothie

A green smoothie is absolutely delicious, also quick to make, and is a good way to pack in a lot of nutrients in one shot. Here are 2 of our most popular recipes:

It’s Good to be Green Smoothie

·         Sustain packet
·         1 packet of Be Well Greens Powder
·         4 oz water
·         4 oz unsweetened almond milk
·         1⁄2 frozen banana cut into chunks
·         1 TBS coconut oil or MCT Oil
·         1 TBS shredded unsweetened coconut
·         2 – 4 ice cubes
·         (optional – 1 TBS chia seeds)
Add all ingredients to blender and blend till smooth and creamy.

Chocolate Whey Protein Smoothie – Dr. Lipman’s favorite!

·         1 serving Be Well Chocolate Whey Protein Powder
·         2 tsp Be Well MCT Oil
·         1 packet of Be Well Greens Powder
·         1 handful organic kale (about a cup)
·         ½ cup organic blueberries (fresh or frozen)
·         1/4 avocado
·         1 TBS chia seeds
·         8-10 oz non-dairy milk (almond milk, coconut milk, hemp milk) or water
·         4-5 ice cubes
Add all ingredients into blender and blend till smooth and creamy.

3. Veggie Omelet

Use your favorite veggies – such as spinach, mushroom and asparagus.  You can have 1/4 avocado on the side, which contains healthy fats and magnesium.

4. Sardines, Salmon or Mashed Avocado on Gluten-Free Toast

Having sardines or salmon on gluten-free toast is a good way to get protein in the morning. If you’re not up for fish, then mashed avocado on gluten-free toast is so delicious! You can sprinkle with sea salt and pepper and have some arugula leaves on the side.

5. Chia Seed Pudding

I love introducing people to chia seeds and the concept of chia seed pudding for breakfast. Chia seeds have omega 3 fatty acids, lots of fiber and calcium. I add them to smoothies all the time and find they help to keep me full for longer.
To make pudding, you can take ¼ cup chia seeds and about 2/3 cup water and stir, stir, stir! Then let your concoction sit in the fridge for 10 minutes and it will form a “pudding-like” consistency. You can top with some blueberries, raspberries, and shredded coconut for a yummy breakfast.


6. Gluten-Free Granola or Muesli

There’s nothing like a bowl of cereal to bring me back to my childhood! But these days I’ve traded in Honey Nut Cheerios for gluten-free granola with almond milk.
This recipe for homemade Granola with Popped Amaranth is heavenly. The Purely Elizabeth granola is also great. Sprinkle over a smoothie or porridge, or serve with almond milk. (If you tolerate dairy well, you could also have some organic full-fat yogurt.)
We also have a yummy recipe for Homemade Raw Muesli:
·         8 ounces uncooked rolled oats (choose certified gluten-free oats)
·         1 cup nut milk (almond or coconut)
·         1 tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut
·         2 tbsp chopped walnuts or almonds
·         2 tbsp ground flaxseeds
·         2 tbsp sesame seeds
·         2 tbsp pumpkin seeds
·         8 ounces fresh berries
·         1 apple, peeled and grated
In a large bowl, mix together the oats, nut milk, shredded coconut, nuts and seeds. Cover and place in the fridge overnight. In the morning, add berries and grated apple.

7. Gluten-Free Bread

Here at the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center, we are obsessed with this Paleo Bread recipe from We share it with patients, bribe each other to make it, and marvel at how good it is. Another favorite is the Life Changing Loaf of Bread by My New Roots.

8. Coconut Flour Pancakes
These are a yummy, high protein replacement for traditional pancakes that your kids will love from Be Well Coach Courtney Blatt. Great for a Saturday morning!
·         1/3 Cup of Coconut Flour
·         2 Ripe Bananas, Mashed
·         4 Whole Eggs
·         1 tsp Baking Soda
·         ½ tsp Ground Cinnamon
·         1 tsp Vanilla Extract
·         Beat eggs until frothy, then add remaining ingredients one by one, continuing to beat well to incorporate lots of air
·         Heat coconut oil on griddle
·         Use ¼ cup for each pancake. Cook until bubbles form and burst. Turn and brown on the other side

9. Gluten-free Oats, Millet, Quinoa or Brown Rice Porridge
You can cook up some grains for breakfast and add your favorite toppings, such as: almond milk, cinnamon, nuts, berries, chia seed, ground flax seed, coconut, a bit of stevia or raw honey to sweeten. To save precious minutes in the morning, you can cook a big pot of grains in advance and just reheat and add your toppings.

10. Last Night’s Leftovers

Most people don’t think of breakfast as a time for savory foods, but you can certainly have leftovers – including grains, veggies and protein. How about a baked sweet potato drizzled with coconut oil and sea salt with some steamed kale and quinoa on the side? I have a friend who swears by chicken broth for breakfast – anything goes!
This article was originally published on Read the original here.

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